Booking Process
To inquire, kindly fill out our booking form below! Make sure not to miss out any details for an easier booking experience.
Kindly measure as accurately as possible as we will give a quote accordingly. You can use a ruler or tape measure as a guide.
Our rates start at ₱2000 for 2x2in black & grey minimalist designs, and ₱3000 for colored.
Our artists create the designs on the day of the appointment. We do not send advanced drafts or sketches.
We also do not tattoo minors or people under the age of 18.
We make sure to respond to your messages quickly but due to high volume of inquiries, there may be a waiting time. Kindly be patient with us!
For same day booking or urgent inquiries, you can reach out to us via instagram (@tattoonebula.art) or via text / call to +63 998 557 4421.